“This author is being published on votefraud.org because we believe what they have to say is important, and should be read and debated. The appearance of his essays on votefraud.org  should not be construed to signify or imply that the author agrees with any other particular item on the rest of the site. Contact the author with specific questions. We encourage other information outlets, from traditional media sources to the new cyber space avenues – to help disseminate this author’s research to wide audiences.”


Articles, essay and Research by Dan Gutenkauf -- proving the law is on our side!
Contact Dan Gutenkauf at: dGutenkauf@msn.com

The Law is on Our Side
The Gutenkauf Page
Up to the Minute Research which every Crusader for honest, verifiable Elections must have


Paper Ballots -- Our Last Chance (an email excerpt, October 1, 2003)
some of Dan Gutenkauf's key research, with observations from Victoria Collier


Click on this link for a number of Articles Dan submitted during the Presidential Campaign of 2000
 and during the aftermath of the Election


More Coming Soon!