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"Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything." Communist Tyrant Josef Stalin

August 9, 2000 NA (Network America) e-wire
Linda Muller Saves the Day; Frank Reed, Quiet Hero

Today, August 9th, was the credentials hearings for the full convention.

One last round of disruption was afoot. Donna Donovan of Connecticut, the ousted Reform Party credentials Chairman --- came to the convention center and set up shop right next to the real Reform Party credentials chairman, Frank Reed of Ohio.

The confusion at first was total as Donna Donovan was deceiving delegates into coming into her room and obtaining her bogus credentials.

Early in the dueling proceedings, Linda Muller, webmaster of buchanan.org, saw real delegates heading back to their hotel rooms after visiting the bogus Donovan-led credentials committee. Linda yelled out, “All Buchanan Brigades this way (pointing to the real credentials room)  -- that’s the wrecking crew (pointing to the Donovan group).” Next Mangia rushed forward to try and spin the press. Linda and other brigaders started a “Go, Pat, Go!” chant again, drowning out Mangia. Mangia stood at the top of the escalator stairs, looking crestfallen. It was the last hurrah in the real convention proceedings for the wrecking crew.

At 3 AM the next morning --- 18 hours after Linda Muller and the Brigade allies had routed the wrecking crew’s bogus credentials committee, your reporter was standing up for a break from his rented laptop in the lobby of the Westin Hotel, which was Brigade central for the convention. Being a night owl, I was “on duty” to wake up my sister Jennifer who was then going to wake others who were to do media interviews for the east coast morning shows at 4:30 AM Pacific coast time. (Jennifer was on the Buchanan surrogate media team.)

As I stood up to stretch and walk outside, to my surprise, I ran into the quiet and unassuming Frank Reed of my own state of Ohio. Frank had been hearing credentials challenges and other credentials business at the convention center for the last 18 hours! He had kept a steady hand, and together with Chairman Gerald Moan, saved the Reform Party from utter chaos, in spite of the dishonest news reports to the contrary.

I talked to Frank briefly, congratulating him on his stamina. He seemed perfectly composed and even rested. He was off to a few hours sleep before the full Convention would begin.

Jim Condit Jr.
Director, Citizens for a Fair Vote Count

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