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"Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything." Communist Tyrant Josef Stalin
November 21, 2000 NA (Network America) e-wire
Historic Arizona Election Hearings About To Commence
The following comes from Dan Gutenkauf, votescam investigator in Phoenix, Arizona. It was been suddenly announced that the state assembly
of Arizona is going to hold hearings on voting and the future. The hearings are to start in only one week or so.
Check youR state to see if similar hearings are about to happen. We at Network America believe there may be a nationwide movement afoot to have
states hold hearings and recommend the new unverifiable satellite / modem voting systems.
For instance, in 1967, when the pro-abortion forces felt the time was right to push legalized abortion in the states, the ACLU and company
helped get legalized abortion bills introduced in 35 states within a three-month period. Could something similar be happening with regard to
pushing the new Election Systems & Services (ESS) systems that are already in place in Chicago? Within these precinct voting machines are
two-way modems that can be accessed by satellite / cell phone technology --- which means that, once in place, entire regional elections, or even
a national election, could be controlled and altered using one satellite.
In any case, we need to bombard the Arizona officials holding the hearings in that state to get Dan Gutenkauf a spot to testify regarding
the real solution to insure verifiable, honest vote counting.
Here is a report Dan Gutenkauf sent us just yesterday (read with an eye to what may be going on in your states):
Phoenix, Arizona, KFYI news radio story at 10 a.m. on Nov. 21, 2000, transcribed from audio tape by Dan Gutenkauf.
Joe Adams: "While the Justices in Florida continue to weigh their decisions, some members of the Legislature in Arizona are working on
plans to make sure that problems in the sunshine state don't appear here. That from KFYI's Joe Anteri (spelling?)"
Joe Anteri: "The Task Force will be in charge of reviewing Arizona's election laws and procedures and arriving at solutions to any potential
problems. Senator Chris Cuminskey tells KFYI news this will keep Arizona from facing any future election problems."
Senator Cuminskey: "What we are interested in is making sure that something like what has happened in Florida doesn't happen here in
Arizona. And so those are the kind of things we are going to be looking at with (the) Task Force."
Joe Anteri: " In addition, the committee made up of several state officials will look into such issues as standardizing voting
technologies throughout the state, and assisting local governments in updating old equipment. Joe Anteri, news radio 550 KFYI."
The 11 a.m. news edition repeated the earlier story with an additional comment from Senator Cuminskey.
Senator Chris Cuminskey; "Ten of the fifteen counties in Arizona still use punch cards, and so with two-thirds of them using outdated
technology, this is something that we want to take a look at, and see if we can form a partnership with local governments to advance the cause of
End of radio news story.
Dan Gutenkauf then comments:
This is the opportunity that John Gilbert and I have been actively pursuing since the stonewalling we received from Elections Director
Karen Osborne and her attorney Jill Kennedy at Maricopa County's computer logic and accuracy test on Oct. 23rd, 2000. At the 2nd test on
October 31, I elicited a pledge from District 30 Representative Karen Johnson to call for investigative hearings by the Legislature in
January, regarding the stonewalling of Maricopa County election officials, who refused to answer questions concerning the potential for
computer vote fraud.
At the state mandated “logic and accuracy” test at which the questions of the public are supposed to answered, we were instructed to put our
questions in writing and were told by Deputy County Attorney Jill Kennedy that all our questions would be answered by the November 7
election date.
A.R.S. 16-621 B., CALLING FOR A MANUAL COUNT OF BALLOTS FOR THIS ELECTION. Included with that letter were copies of
Relevance magazine's
Nov. 1996 issue, "Pandora's Black Box", and the Nov. 7, 1988 issue of the New Yorker cover story, “On the Dangers of Computerized Voting” – by
Ronnie Dugger.
To review my letter of notice and demand, go to the Citizens for a Fair Vote Count website at
<www.votefraud.org>, then click on “Take Action”,
then to “Become an Investigator”, then to “Legal Strategy by Dan Gutenkauf”, then
to “Letter to Governor Jane D. Hull.”
I called Senator Cuminskey’s office after hearing the radio news story, and his secretary informed me that the State Senate's Task Force will
convene at 10 a.m. on Wed. Nov. 29th, 2000, on the 1st floor of the State Senate.
Then I called Rep. Karen Johnson's office and left a message with her secretary. As suggested by Maricopa County Reform Party Chairman John
Gilbert, I will try to get the Arizona Senate and House to do a joint hearing next week, rather than a separate Senate hearing now and a House
hearing in January. I will be distributing copies of the votefraud articles from
Relevance and the New Yorker to the appropriate Task
Force officials.
The radio news story cited above said that the Task Force committee will consist of state officials, so it would be logical to assume that either
Secretary of State Betsy Bayless or State Elections Director Jessica Funkhouser will be in attendance. I will press Senator Cuminskey to
compel Maricopa County Elections Director Karen Osborne to be present at this hearing. This will be an opportunity to ask my questions again, and
election officials will not be able to avoid answering why Maricopa
County uses a computer counting system ( Eagle Optech III- P scanner) that contains a two-way modem, which is vulnerable to outside
It will also compel the election officials to give an account of why they arrogantly refuse to perform the mandatory, ministerial duties that
the election statutes require, as passed by the legislature. It will be an opportunity to circumvent the corrupt judicial system that my brother
Dennis and I encountered in our lawsuit Gutenkauf v. Maricopa County, and a chance to get a proper interpretation of the legislative intent of
the relevant statutes.
I will request an opportunity to give testimony before the Task Force about the knowing, intentional violation of election law by election
officials. I intend to provide evidence of deliberate misinterpretation of election statutes by the Deputy County Attorney, and the continuing
policy of intimidation of electors by that agency official. I will point out that the Maricopa County elections training manual is in direct
conflict with the election statutes under Title 16. The training manual says on page 32 that "Election results cannot be released at the polling
place." However, Arizona Revised Statutes 16-601 Tally of the vote (at
the polls) states that "The count shall be public, in the presence of bystanders, and shall be continued without adjournment until completed
and the result determined and declared."
This Task Force hearing is a golden opportunity to educate our legislature about the problems with computer voting and to offer the
solution to this "high-tech tyranny." We need to convince them that the only way to obtain honest, verifiable elections is to do a manual count
of ballots which are designed like paper ballots, such as already in use here in Maricopa County, as opposed to the IBM punch cards used in
Florida and elsewhere, that are not human-friendly to a manual count. If the hand counting is done at the precinct, before the ballots are
transferred to the central counting center, the task is manageable, in
small, incremental amounts of ballots. The results must be posted at the precinct before the ballot box leaves the poll. We must have a visually
verifiable audit trail starting at the polling place, with the ballots deposited in clear plastic boxes.
As speculated by many keen observers such as Jim Condit Jr. and Vicki Collier, the current fiasco with the IBM punch cards in Florida appears
to be working, as orchestrated, to move counties and the nation to call for a uniform, all computerized system. It is our duty as citizens,
consistent with the mission of Citizens for a Fair Vote Count, to point out the pitfalls of an invisible, computerized secret tally, using
secret source codes known only by the vendor.
Praise God for this opportunity in Arizona to reform this horribly corrupt system, and to restore integrity to our highest right as
citizens. And thank God for public officials like Representative Billy Tauzin (Rep) of Louisiana, who has announced Congressional hearings in
January to investigate the clandestine Voter New Service. I hope that I will be given a chance to appear as a witness in that proceeding as
well. It would appear that the tireless efforts of all those crusading for honest, verifiable elections -- especially in the aftermath of the
CFVC convention in Cincinnati last August, are finally beginning to
bear fruit.
I encourage citizens in every state to circulate this message via email, and initiate a similar Task Force with their respective state
legislature. I also encourage you to pray for Divine intervention in the current election deadlock in Florida. Let’s " Work as if everything
depends upon you, but pray as if everything depends upon God."
God bless you,
Dan Gutenkauf
End of communiqué from Dan G.
The above strategy and sentiments are right on target, please God that we will be able to get one or you to help make sure that at least one
person in each state gets to whatever hearings may be held to at least put ON THE RECORD what should NOT be done, and what SHOULD be done.
End of e-wire.
Jim Condit Jr.
Director, Citizens for a Fair Vote Count
The "Ruling Elite", through their five Big TV Networks, AP wire service, and two major papers, the New York Times and Washington Post, are making peaceful change impossible at the ballot box, -- via Vote Fraud, Media Censorship, and Poll Fraud, and the flood of illegal aliens who are becoming registered voters . . . President Kennedy talked about this:
"If you make peaceful change impossible..... you make violent revolution inevitable." President John F Kennedy
Go to www.votefraud.org to hear (or read the text) of the Radio Ads which are now airing over WLW Radio (which reaches into 38 states at
night) and other stations -- exposing the easily rigged computerized elections which are about to "elect" the next President, and also exposing the coordinated news and censorship of the 5 Big TV Networks. Thanks to Ken Lowndes for Congress, the radio stations MUST air these ads. They're tough. They're "outrageous" -- and you've never heard anyting like it on TV or Radio.
The three prongs of Big Media election manipulation are: Massive coverage of favored Candidates, and Censorship of all other candidates -- including warped Public Opinion Polls for months before the election; phony exit polls done by joint effort of the Big TV Networks on Election Day, and easily rigged computerized vote counting on election day -- which make the polls and exit polls come true. (On election day, the people are barred from touching or counting their ballots, the election officials are barred from knowing what is in the software program that instructs the computers how to count the votes.)
Citizens for a Fair Vote Count - Go to: http://www.votefraud.org
Network America - go to http://www.networkamerica.org
Read "Best of" Archives on this site or at http://www.lewisnews.com at "Citizens for a Fair Vote Count" section accessed in left hand column of home page.
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RADIO SHOW ON LINE ALL THE TIME. Listen anytime to the 'Votefraud vs Honest Elections' crash course radio show over the internet at www.sightings.com in the archives, April 3rd, 2000 show, Jeff Rense host, Jim Condit Jr. guest. If the transmission breaks, reconnect to sightings.com and manually move the bar to the place in the show where the audio transmission broke
To write us with information or order by educational tapes and materials by mail, write us at Citizens for a Fair Vote Count, PO Box 11339, Cincinnati, Ohio 45211
To contact us, e-mail to: jconditjr@votefraud.org or jconditjr@networkamerica.org
Please forward our messages to friends and opinion molders, and tell them about our websites and daily e-wire communications. This information, especially in election season, offers an opportunity to de-stablize the New World Order Ruling Elite and restore honest elections with citizens checks and balances, true Freedom under God, and true Free Enterprise in America.
Let fellow citizens, opinion molders, pastors, public officials, internet news outlets, and major news media outlets know -- that we will not believe the published results of elections until transparent, verifiable, honest vote counting methods are restored, i.e., paper ballots with citizen checks and balances, with the ballot counting under the control of the neighborhood registered voters in each precinct.
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